* Copyright 2020 WICKLETS LLC
* This file is part of Wick Engine.
* Wick Engine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Wick Engine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Wick Engine. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Wick.ToolSettings = class {
static get DEFAULT_SETTINGS () {
return [{
type: 'color',
name: 'fillColor',
default: new Wick.Color('#000000')
}, {
type: 'color',
name: 'strokeColor',
default: new Wick.Color('#000000')
}, {
type: "number",
name: 'strokeWidth',
default: 1,
min: 0,
max: 100,
step: 1,
}, {
type: "number",
name: 'brushSize',
default: 10,
min: 1,
max: 100,
step: 1,
}, {
type: "number",
name: 'eraserSize',
default: 10,
min: 1,
max: 100,
step: 1,
}, {
type: "number",
name: 'cornerRadius',
default: 0,
min: 0,
max: 100,
step: 1,
}, {
type: "number",
name: 'brushStabilizerWeight',
default: 20,
min: 0,
max: 100,
step: 1,
}, {
type: "boolean",
name: 'pressureEnabled',
default: false,
}, {
type: "boolean",
name: 'relativeBrushSize',
default: true,
}, {
type: "number",
name: 'gapFillAmount',
default: 1,
min: 0,
max: 5,
step: 1,
}, {
* The render style of the onion skinned frames.
* "standard": Objects on onion skinned frames are rendered fully
* "outlines": Only the strokes of objects on onion skinned frames are rendered
* "tint": Objects are rendered fully but with a slight tint
type: "choice",
name: 'onionSkinStyle',
default: 'standard',
options: ['standard', 'outlines', 'tint']
}, {
type: "number",
name: 'onionSkinOutlineWidth',
default: 2,
min: 1,
max: 25,
step: .1,
}, {
type: 'color',
name: 'backwardOnionSkinTint',
default: new Wick.Color('rgba(255, 0, 0, .5)'),
}, {
type: 'color',
name: 'forwardOnionSkinTint',
default: new Wick.Color('rgba(0, 0, 255, .5)'),
}, {
type: "choice",
name: 'brushMode',
default: 'none',
options: ['none', 'behind', 'inside']
}, {
* The render style of the outside-clip viewer.
* "none": Don't show the objects outside the current clip
* "standard": Show the outside objects at a certain opacity
type: "choice",
name: 'outsideClipStyle',
default: 'none',
options: ['none', 'standard']
}, {
type: "number",
name: 'outsideClipStandardOpacity',
default: 0.5,
min: 0,
max: 1,
step: 0.01,
}, {
type: "boolean",
name: 'outsideClipShowBorder',
default: false
* Create a new ToolSettings object.
constructor () {
this._settings = {};
this._onSettingsChangedCallback = () => {};
* Returns the appropriate key to use to store a tool setting by name.
* @param {String} settingName name of tool setting.
* @returns {String} Key to be used.
getStorageKey (settingName) {
return "WICK.TOOLSETTINGS."+settingName;
* Creates the tool settings at the start of the editor. Will open with previously used settings if they exist.
createSetting (args) {
if(!args) console.error('createSetting: args is required');
if(!args.name) console.error('createSetting: args.name is required');
if(args.default === undefined) console.error('createSetting: args.default is required');
let name = args.name;
let type = args.type;
// Create a default setting to start.
this._settings[args.name] = {
type: args.type,
name: args.name,
value: args.default,
default: args.default,
min: args.min,
max: args.max,
step: args.step,
options: args.options,
* Update a value in the settings.
* @param {string} name - The name of the setting to update.
* @param {string|number|Color} value - The value of the setting to change to.
setSetting (name, value) {
var setting = this._settings[name];
if (!setting) return;
// Check to make sure there's no type mismatch
if((typeof value) !== (typeof setting.value)) {
console.warn('Warning: Wick.ToolSettings: Type mismatch while setting ' + name);
var min = setting.min;
if(min !== undefined) {
value = Math.max(min, value);
var max = setting.max;
if(max !== undefined) {
value = Math.min(max, value);
setting.value = value;
this._fireOnSettingsChanged(name, value);
if (setting.type === 'color') {
localforage.setItem(this.getStorageKey(name), value.rgba);
} else {
localforage.setItem(this.getStorageKey(name), value);
* Retrieve a value in the settings.
* @param {string} name - The name of the setting to retrieve.
getSetting (name) {
var setting = this._settings[name];
if(!setting) {
console.error("ToolSettings.getSetting: invalid setting: " + name);
return setting.value;
* Returns an object with the setting restrictions for a provided setting.
* @param {String} name name of tool setting
* @returns {Object} an object containing the values min, max, step and options where appropriate.
getSettingRestrictions (name) {
var setting = this._settings[name];
if (!setting) console.error("ToolSettings.getSettingRestrictions: invalid setting: " + name);
return {
min: setting.min,
max: setting.max,
step: setting.step,
options: setting.options,
* Returns an array containing all settings with all information.
* @returns {Object[]} Array of settings objects.
getAllSettings () {
var allSettings = [];
for(var name in this._settings) {
return allSettings;
* Receives a call back that will be provided the name and value of the setting that was changed.
onSettingsChanged (callback) {
this._onSettingsChangedCallback = callback;
* Reset settings to the deafults.
resetAllSettings () {
Wick.ToolSettings.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.forEach(setting => {
* Load settings from localstorage if they exist.
loadSettingsFromLocalstorage () {
Wick.ToolSettings.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.forEach(setting => {
// Get stored tool setting if it exists.
localforage.getItem(this.getStorageKey(name)).then( (value) => {
if (value) {
this._settings[args.name] = {
type: args.type,
name: args.name,
value: type === 'color' ? new window.Wick.Color(value) : value,
default: args.default,
min: args.min,
max: args.max,
step: args.step,
options: args.options,
_fireOnSettingsChanged (name, value) {
this._onSettingsChangedCallback(name, value);