* Copyright 2020 WICKLETS LLC
* This file is part of Wick Engine.
* Wick Engine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Wick Engine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Wick Engine. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* A class representing a Wick Clip.
Wick.Clip = class extends Wick.Tickable {
* Returns a list of all possible animation types for this object.
* @type {Object} - An object containing keys that represent the animation type a a key and a human-readable version of the animation type as a value.
static get animationTypes () {
return {
'loop': 'Loop',
'single': 'Single Frame',
'playOnce': 'Play Once',
* Create a new clip.
* @param {string} identifier - The identifier of the new clip.
* @param {Wick.Path|Wick.Clip[]} objects - Optional. A list of objects to add to the clip.
* @param {Wick.Transformation} transformation - Optional. The initial transformation of the clip.
constructor(args) {
if (!args) args = {};
this.timeline = new Wick.Timeline();
this.timeline.addLayer(new Wick.Layer());
this.timeline.activeLayer.addFrame(new Wick.Frame());
this._animationType = 'loop'; // Can be one of loop, oneFrame, single
this._singleFrameNumber = 1; // Default to 1, this value is only used if the animation type is single
this._playedOnce = false;
this._isSynced = false;
this._transformation = args.transformation || new Wick.Transformation();
this.cursor = 'default';
this._isSymbol = false;
this._isClone = false;
this._sourceClipUUID = null;
this._assetSourceUUID = null;
/* If objects are passed in, add them to the clip and reposition them */
if (args.objects) {
this._clones = [];
_serialize(args) {
var data = super._serialize(args);
data.transformation = this.transformation.values;
data.timeline = this._timeline;
data.animationType = this._animationType;
data.singleFrameNumber = this._singleFrameNumber;
data.assetSourceUUID = this._assetSourceUUID;
data.isSynced = this._isSynced;
return data;
_deserialize(data) {
this.transformation = new Wick.Transformation(data.transformation);
this._timeline = data.timeline;
this._animationType = data.animationType || 'loop';
this._singleFrameNumber = data.singleFrameNumber || 1;
this._assetSourceUUID = data.assetSourceUUID;
this._isSynced = data.isSynced;
this._playedOnce = false;
this._clones = [];
get classname() {
if (!this._isSymbol) {
return 'Clip';
} else {
return 'Symbol';
* Determines whether or not the clip is visible in the project.
* @type {boolean}
get onScreen() {
if (this.isRoot) {
return true;
} else if (this.parentFrame) {
return this.parentFrame.onScreen;
* Determines whether or not the clip is the root clip in the project.
* @type {boolean}
get isRoot() {
return this.project && this === this.project.root;
* True if the clip should sync to the timeline's position.
* @type {boolean}
get isSynced () {
let isSingle = this.animationType === 'single';
return this._isSynced && (!isSingle) && (!this.isRoot);
set isSynced (bool) {
if (!(typeof bool === 'boolean')) {
this._isSynced = bool;
if (bool) {
} else {
this.timeline.playheadPosition = 1;
* Determines whether or not the clip is the currently focused clip in the project.
* @type {boolean}
get isFocus() {
return this.project && this === this.project.focus;
* Check if a Clip is a clone of another object.
* @type {boolean}
get isClone() {
return this._isClone;
* The uuid of the clip that this clip was cloned from.
* @type {string}
get sourceClipUUID() {
return this._sourceClipUUID;
* Returns the source clip of this clip if this clip is a clone. Null otherwise.
get sourceClip () {
if (!this.sourceClipUUID) return null;
return this.project.getObjectByUUID(this.sourceClipUUID);
* The uuid of the ClipAsset that this clip was created from.
* @type {string}
get assetSourceUUID () {
return this._assetSourceUUID;
set assetSourceUUID (assetSourceUUID) {
this._assetSourceUUID = assetSourceUUID;
* The timeline of the clip.
* @type {Wick.Timeline}
get timeline() {
return this.getChild('Timeline');
set timeline(timeline) {
if (this.timeline) {
* The animation type of the clip. Must be of a type represented within animationTypes;
* @type {string}
get animationType () {
return this._animationType;
set animationType (animationType) {
// Default to loop if an invalid animation type is passed in.
if (!Wick.Clip.animationTypes[animationType]) {
console.error("Animation type:" + animationType + " is invalid for clips! Defaulting to Loop.");
this._animationType = 'loop';
} else {
this._animationType = animationType;
* The frame to display when animation type is set to singleFrame.
* @type {number}
get singleFrameNumber () {
if (this.animationType !== 'single') {
return null;
} else {
return this._singleFrameNumber;
set singleFrameNumber (frame) {
// Constrain to be within the length of the clip.
if (frame < 1) {
frame = 1;
} else if (frame > this.timeline.length) {
frame = this.timeline.length;
this._singleFrameNumber = frame;
* The frame to display when the clip is synced
* @type {number}
get syncFrame () {
let timelineOffset = this.parentClip.timeline.playheadPosition - this.parentFrame.start;
// Show the last frame if we're past it on a playOnce Clip.
if (this.animationType === 'playOnce' && (timelineOffset >= this.timeline.length)) {
return this.timeline.length;
// Otherwise, show the correct frame.
return (timelineOffset % this.timeline.length) + 1;
* Returns true if the clip has been played through fully once.
* @type {boolean}
get playedOnce () {
return this._playedOnce;
set playedOnce (bool) {
return this._playedOnce = bool;
* The active layer of the clip's timeline.
* @type {Wick.Layer}
get activeLayer() {
return this.timeline.activeLayer;
* The active frame of the clip's timeline.
* @type {Wick.Frame}
get activeFrame() {
return this.activeLayer.activeFrame;
* An array containing every clip and frame that is a child of this clip and has an identifier.
* @type {Wick.Base[]}
get namedChildren() {
var namedChildren = [];
this.timeline.frames.forEach(frame => {
// Objects that can be accessed by their identifiers:
// Frames
if (frame.identifier) {
// Clips
frame.clips.forEach(clip => {
if (clip.identifier) {
// Dynamic text paths
frame.dynamicTextPaths.forEach(path => {
return namedChildren;
* An array containing every clip and frame that is a child of this clip and has an identifier, and also is visible on screen.
* @type {Wick.Base[]}
get activeNamedChildren() {
return this.namedChildren.filter(child => {
return child.onScreen;
* Resets the clip's timeline position.
resetTimelinePosition () {
if (this.animationType === 'single') {
} else {
this.timeline.playheadPosition = 1; // Reset timeline position if we are not on single frame.
* Updates the frame's single frame positions if necessary. Only works if the clip's animationType is 'single'.
applySingleFramePosition () {
if (this.animationType === 'single') {
// Ensure that the single frame we've chosen is reflected no matter what.
this.timeline.playheadPosition = this.singleFrameNumber;
* Updates the clip's playhead position if the Clip is in sync mode
applySyncPosition () {
if (this.isSynced) {
this.timeline.playheadPosition = this.syncFrame;
* Updates the timeline of the clip based on the animation type of the clip.
updateTimelineForAnimationType () {
if (this.animationType === 'single') {
if (this.isSynced) {
* Remove a clone from the clones array by uuid.
* @param {string} uuid
removeClone (uuid) {
if (this.isClone) return;
this._clones = this.clones.filter(obj => obj.uuid !== uuid);
* Remove this clip from its parent frame.
remove() {
// Don't attempt to remove if the object has already been removed.
// (This is caused by calling remove() multiple times on one object inside a script.)
if (!this.parent || this._willBeRemoved) return;
this._willBeRemoved = true;
// Force unload to run now, before object is removed;
// Remove from the clones array.
this.sourceClip && this.sourceClip.removeClone(this.uuid);
this.removed = true;
* Remove this clip and add all of its paths and clips to its parent frame.
* @returns {Wick.Base[]} the objects that were inside the clip.
breakApart() {
var leftovers = [];
this.timeline.activeFrames.forEach(frame => {
frame.clips.forEach(clip => {
clip.transformation.x += this.transformation.x;
clip.transformation.y += this.transformation.y;
frame.paths.forEach(path => {
path.x += this.transformation.x;
path.y += this.transformation.y;
return leftovers;
* Add paths and clips to this clip.
* @param {Wick.Base[]} objects - the paths and clips to add to the clip
addObjects(objects) {
// Reposition objects such that their origin point is equal to this Clip's position
objects.forEach(object => {
object.x -= this.transformation.x;
object.y -= this.transformation.y;
objects.forEach(obj => {
if (obj instanceof Wick.Clip) {
} else if (obj instanceof Wick.Path) {
* Stops a clip's timeline on that clip's current playhead position.
stop() {
* Plays a clip's timeline from that clip's current playhead position.
play() {
* Moves a clip's playhead to a specific position and stops that clip's timeline on that position.
* @param {number|string} frame - number or string representing the frame to move the playhead to.
gotoAndStop(frame) {
* Moves a clip's playhead to a specific position and plays that clip's timeline from that position.
* @param {number|string} frame - number or string representing the frame to move the playhead to.
gotoAndPlay(frame) {
* Move the playhead of the clips timeline forward one frame. Does nothing if the clip is on its last frame.
gotoNextFrame() {
* Move the playhead of the clips timeline backwards one frame. Does nothing if the clip is on its first frame.
gotoPrevFrame() {
* Returns the name of the frame which is currently active. If multiple frames are active, returns the name of the first active frame.
* @returns {string} Active Frame name. If the active frame does not have an identifier, returns empty string.
get currentFrameName() {
let frames = this.timeline.activeFrames;
let name = '';
frames.forEach(frame => {
if (name) return;
if (frame.identifier) {
name = frame.identifier;
return name;
* @deprecated
* Returns the current playhead position. This is a legacy function, you should use clip.playheadPosition instead.
* @returns {number} Playhead Position.
get currentFrameNumber() {
return this.timeline.playheadPosition;
* The current transformation of the clip.
* @type {Wick.Transformation}
get transformation() {
return this._transformation;
set transformation(transformation) {
this._transformation = transformation;
// When the transformation changes, update the current tween, if one exists
if (this.parentFrame) {
// This tween must only ever be the tween over the current playhead position.
// Altering the active tween will overwrite tweens when moving between frames.
var tween = this.parentFrame.getTweenAtCurrentPlayheadPosition();
if (tween) {
tween.transformation = this._transformation.copy();
* Perform circular hit test with other clip.
* @param {Wick.Clip} other - the clip to hit test with
* @param {object} options - Hit test options
* @returns {object} Hit information
circleHits(other, options) {
let bounds1 = this.absoluteBounds;
let bounds2 = other.absoluteBounds;
let c1 = bounds1.center;
let c2 = bounds2.center;
let distance = Math.sqrt((c1.x - c2.x)*(c1.x - c2.x) + (c1.y - c2.y)*(c1.y - c2.y));
let r1 = options.radius ? options.radius : this.radius;
let r2 = other.radius; //should add option for other radius?
let overlap = r1 + r2 - distance;
// TODO: Maybe add a case for overlap === 0?
if (overlap > 0) {
let x = c1.x - c2.x;
let y = c1.y - c2.y;
let magnitude = Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y);
x = x / magnitude;
y = y / magnitude;
// <x,y> is now a normalized vector from c2 to c1
let result = {};
if (options.overlap) {
result.overlapX = overlap * x;
result.overlapY = overlap * y;
if (options.offset) {
result.offsetX = overlap * x;
result.offsetY = overlap * y;
if (options.intersections) {
if (r2 - distance > r1 || r1 - distance > r2 || distance === 0) {
result.intersections = [];
else {
// Using https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Circle-CircleIntersection.html
let d = (distance * distance + r1*r1 - r2*r2) / (2 * distance);
let h = Math.sqrt(r1 * r1 - d * d);
let x0 = c1.x - d*x;
let y0 = c1.y - d*y;
result.intersections = [{x: x0 + h*y, y: y0 - h*x},
{x: x0 - h*y, y: y0 + h*x}];
return result;
return null;
* Perform rectangular hit test with other clip.
* @param {Wick.Clip} other - the clip to hit test with
* @param {object} options - Hit test options
* @returns {object} Hit information
rectangleHits(other, options) {
let bounds1 = this.absoluteBounds;
let bounds2 = other.absoluteBounds;
// TODO: write intersects so we don't rely on paper Rectangle objects
if (bounds1.intersects(bounds2)) {
let result = {};
if (options.overlap) {
// Find the direction along which we have to travel the least distance to no longer overlap
let left = bounds2.left - bounds1.right;
let right = bounds2.right - bounds1.left;
let up = bounds2.top - bounds1.bottom;
let down = bounds2.bottom - bounds1.top;
let overlapX = Math.abs(left) < Math.abs(right) ? left : right;
let overlapY = Math.abs(up) < Math.abs(down) ? up : down;
if (Math.abs(overlapX) < Math.abs(overlapY)) {
overlapY = 0;
else {
overlapX = 0;
result.overlapX = overlapX;
result.overlapY = overlapY;
if (options.offset) {
// Find how far along the center to center vector we must travel to no longer overlap
let vectorX = bounds1.center.x - bounds2.center.x;
let vectorY = bounds1.center.y - bounds2.center.y;
let magnitude = Math.sqrt(vectorX*vectorX + vectorY*vectorY);
vectorX /= magnitude;
vectorY /= magnitude;
// Choose p1, p2, based on quadrant of center to center vector
let p1 = vectorX > 0 ? (vectorY > 0 ? bounds1.topLeft : bounds1.bottomLeft) : (vectorY > 0 ? bounds1.topRight : bounds1.bottomRight);
let p2 = vectorX > 0 ? (vectorY > 0 ? bounds2.bottomRight : bounds2.topRight) : (vectorY > 0 ? bounds2.bottomLeft : bounds2.topLeft);
if (Math.abs(p2.x - p1.x) < Math.abs((p2.y - p1.y) * vectorX / vectorY)) {
result.offsetX = p2.x - p1.x;
result.offsetY = result.offsetX * vectorY / vectorX;
else {
result.offsetY = p2.y - p1.y;
result.offsetX = result.offsetY * vectorX / vectorY;
if (options.intersections) {
result.intersections = [];
let ps1 = [bounds1.topLeft, bounds1.topRight, bounds1.bottomRight, bounds1.bottomLeft];
let ps2 = [bounds2.topLeft, bounds2.topRight, bounds2.bottomRight, bounds2.bottomLeft];
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (let j = (i + 1) % 2; j < 4; j += 2) { // iterate over the perpendicular lines
let a = ps1[i];
let b = ps1[(i + 1) % 4];
let c = ps2[j];
let d = ps2[(j + 1) % 4];
// Perpendicular lines will intersect, we'll use parametric line intersection
//<x,y> = a + (b - a)t1
//<x,y> = c + (d - c)t2
//a + (b - a)t1 = c + (d - c)t2
//t1(b - a) = (c + (d - c)t2 - a)
//(a - c)/(d - c) = t2
let t1, t2;
if (a.x === b.x) {
t2 = (a.x - c.x) / (d.x - c.x);
t1 = (c.y + (d.y - c.y) * t2 - a.y) / (b.y - a.y);
else {
//a.y === b.y
t2 = (a.y - c.y) / (d.y - c.y);
t1 = (c.x + (d.x - c.x) * t2 - a.x) / (b.x - a.x);
if (0 <= t1 && t1 <= 1 && 0 <= t2 && t2 <= 1) {
result.intersections.push({x: a.x + (b.x - a.x) * t1, y: a.y + (b.y - a.y) * t1});
return result;
else {
return null;
// Return whether triangle p1 p2 p3 is clockwise (in screen space,
// means counterclockwise in a normal space with y axis pointed up)
cw(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) {
const cw = ((y3 - y1) * (x2 - x1)) - ((y2 - y1) * (x3 - x1));
return cw >= 0; // colinear ?
* Perform convex hull hit test with other clip.
* @param {Wick.Clip} other - the clip to hit test with
* @param {object} options - Hit test options
* @returns {object} Hit information
convexHits(other, options) {
// Efficient check first
let bounds1 = this.absoluteBounds;
let bounds2 = other.absoluteBounds;
// TODO: write intersects so we don't rely on paper Rectangle objects
if (!bounds1.intersects(bounds2)) {
return null;
let c1 = bounds1.center;
let c2 = bounds2.center;
// clockwise arrays of points in format [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ...]
let hull1 = this.convexHull;
let hull2 = other.convexHull;
let finished1 = false;
let finished2 = false;
let i1 = hull1.length - 1;
let i2 = hull2.length - 1;
let intersections = [];
let n = 0;
// Algorithm from https://www.bowdoin.edu/~ltoma/teaching/cs3250-CompGeom/spring17/Lectures/cg-convexintersection.pdf
while ((!finished1 || !finished2) && n <= 2 * (hull1.length + hull2.length)) {
// line segments A is ab, B is cd
let a = hull1[i1],
b = hull1[((i1 - 1) % hull1.length + hull1.length) % hull1.length],
c = hull2[i2],
d = hull2[((i2 - 1) % hull2.length + hull2.length) % hull2.length];
//Use parametric line intersection
//<x,y> = a + (b - a)t1
//<x,y> = c + (d - c)t2
//a + (b - a)t1 = c + (d - c)t2
//t1 = (c.x + (d.x - c.x)t2 - a.x) / (b.x - a.x)
//a.y + (b.y - a.y) * (c.x + (d.x - c.x)t2 - a.x) / (b.x - a.x) = c.y + (d.y - c.y)t2
//t2((b.y - a.y)(d.x - c.x)/(b.x - a.x) - (d.y - c.y)) = c.y - a.y - (b.y - a.y)*(c.x - a.x)/(b.x - a.x)
//t2 = (c.y - a.y - (b.y - a.y)*(c.x - a.x)/(b.x - a.x)) / ((b.y - a.y)(d.x - c.x)/(b.x - a.x) - (d.y - c.y))
let t2 = (c[1] - a[1] - (b[1] - a[1]) * (c[0] - a[0]) / (b[0] - a[0])) / ((b[1] - a[1]) * (d[0] - c[0]) / (b[0] - a[0]) - d[1] + c[1]);
let t1 = (c[0] + (d[0] - c[0]) * t2 - a[0]) / (b[0] - a[0]);
if (0 <= t1 && t1 <= 1 && 0 <= t2 && t2 <= 1) {
intersections.push({x: a[0] + (b[0] - a[0])*t1, y: a[1] + (b[1] - a[1]) * t1});
let APointingToB = t1 > 1;
let BPointingToA = t2 > 1;
if (BPointingToA && !APointingToB) {
// Advance B
i2 -= 1;
if (i2 < 0) {
finished2 = true;
i2 += hull2.length;
else if (APointingToB && !BPointingToA) {
// Advance A
i1 -= 1;
if (i1 < 0) {
finished1 = true;
i1 += hull1.length;
else {
// Advance outside
if (this.cw(a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1], d[0], d[1])) {
// Advance B
i2 -= 1;
if (i2 < 0) {
finished2 = true;
i2 += hull2.length;
else {
// Advance A
i1 -= 1;
if (i1 < 0) {
finished1 = true;
i1 += hull1.length;
// Ok, we have all the intersections now
let avgIntersection = {x: 0, y: 0};
if (intersections.length === 0) {
avgIntersection.x = bounds1.width < bounds2.width ? c1.x : c2.x;
avgIntersection.y = bounds1.width < bounds2.width ? c1.y : c2.y;
else {
for (let i = 0; i < intersections.length; i++) {
avgIntersection.x += intersections[i].x;
avgIntersection.y += intersections[i].y;
avgIntersection.x /= intersections.length;
avgIntersection.y /= intersections.length;
let result = {};
if (options.intersections) {
result.intersections = intersections;
if (options.offset) {
// Calculate offset by taking the center of mass of the intersection, call it P,
// get the radius from P on this convex hull in the direction
// from this center to that center,
// Then, the offset is a vector in the direction from that center to this center
// with magnitude of that radius
let targetTheta = Math.atan2(c2.y - c1.y, c2.x - c1.x); //from c1 to c2
let r = this.radiusAtPointInDirection(hull1, avgIntersection, targetTheta);
targetTheta = (targetTheta + Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI);
r += this.radiusAtPointInDirection(hull2, avgIntersection, targetTheta);
let directionX = c1.x - c2.x;
let directionY = c1.y - c2.y;
let mag = Math.sqrt(directionX*directionX + directionY*directionY);
directionX *= r / mag;
directionY *= r / mag;
result.offsetX = directionX;
result.offsetY = directionY;
if (options.overlap) {
//same as offset except instead of center to center,
//we will move perpendicular to the best fit line
//of the intersection points
let directionX, directionY;
if (intersections.length < 2) {
directionX = c2.x - c1.x;
directionY = c2.y - c1.y;
else {
let max_d = 0;
for (let i = 1; i < intersections.length; i++) {
let d = (intersections[i].y - intersections[0].y) * (intersections[i].y - intersections[0].y) +
(intersections[i].x - intersections[0].x) * (intersections[i].x - intersections[0].x);
if (d > max_d) {
max_d = d;
directionX = -(intersections[i].y - intersections[0].y);
directionY = intersections[i].x - intersections[0].x;
if (directionX * (c1.x - avgIntersection.x) + directionY * (c1.y - avgIntersection.y) > 0) {
directionX = -directionX;
directionY = -directionY;
let targetTheta = Math.atan2(directionY, directionX);
let r = this.radiusAtPointInDirection(hull1, avgIntersection, targetTheta);
targetTheta = (targetTheta + Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI);
r += this.radiusAtPointInDirection(hull2, avgIntersection, targetTheta);
let r2 = this.radiusAtPointInDirection(hull1, avgIntersection, targetTheta);
targetTheta = (targetTheta + Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI);
r2 += this.radiusAtPointInDirection(hull2, avgIntersection, targetTheta);
if (r2 < r) {
r = r2;
directionX *= -1;
directionY *= -1;
let mag = Math.sqrt(directionX*directionX + directionY*directionY);
directionX *= -r / mag;
directionY *= -r / mag;
result.overlapX = directionX;
result.overlapY = directionY;
return result;
* Casts a ray from p in the direction targetTheta and intersects it with the hull ch,
* returns the distance from p to the surface of ch.
* @param {list} ch - the convex hull to intersect a ray with
* @param {object} p - the point of origin of the ray
* @param {number} targetTheta - the direction of the ray
* @returns {number} the distance to the surface of the convex hull from the point in the direction theta
radiusAtPointInDirection(ch, p, targetTheta) {
let minThetaDiff = Infinity;
let index;
for (let i = 0; i < ch.length; i++) {
let theta = Math.atan2(ch[i][1] - p.y, ch[i][0] - p.x);
let thetaDiff = ((targetTheta - theta) % (2 * Math.PI) + 2 * Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI); //positive mod
if (thetaDiff < minThetaDiff) {
minThetaDiff = thetaDiff;
index = i;
let a = ch[index];
let b = ch[(index + 1) % ch.length];
let c = [p.x, p.y];
let d = [p.x + 100 * Math.cos(targetTheta), p.y + 100 * Math.sin(targetTheta)];
//Use parametric line intersection
//<x,y> = a + (b - a)t1
//<x,y> = c + (d - c)t2
//a + (b - a)t1 = c + (d - c)t2
//t1 = (c.x + (d.x - c.x)t2 - a.x) / (b.x - a.x)
//a.y + (b.y - a.y) * (c.x + (d.x - c.x)t2 - a.x) / (b.x - a.x) = c.y + (d.y - c.y)t2
//t2((b.y - a.y)(d.x - c.x)/(b.x - a.x) - (d.y - c.y)) = c.y - a.y - (b.y - a.y)*(c.x - a.x)/(b.x - a.x)
//t2 = (c.y - a.y - (b.y - a.y)*(c.x - a.x)/(b.x - a.x)) / ((b.y - a.y)(d.x - c.x)/(b.x - a.x) - (d.y - c.y))
let t2 = (c[1] - a[1] - (b[1] - a[1]) * (c[0] - a[0]) / (b[0] - a[0])) / ((b[1] - a[1]) * (d[0] - c[0]) / (b[0] - a[0]) - d[1] + c[1]);
let t1 = (c[0] + (d[0] - c[0]) * t2 - a[0]) / (b[0] - a[0]);
return Math.hypot(a[0] + (b[0] - a[0])*t1 - p.x, a[1] + (b[1] - a[1]) * t1 - p.y);
* Perform hit test with other clip.
* @param {Wick.Clip} other - the clip to hit test with
* @param {object} options - Hit test options
* @returns {object} Hit information
hits(other, options) {
// Get hit options
let finalOptions = {...this.project.hitTestOptions};
if (options) {
if (options.mode === 'CIRCLE' || options.mode === 'RECTANGLE' || options.mode === 'CONVEX') {
finalOptions.mode = options.mode;
if (typeof options.offset === "boolean") {
finalOptions.offset = options.offset;
if (typeof options.overlap === "boolean") {
finalOptions.overlap = options.overlap;
if (typeof options.intersections === "boolean") {
finalOptions.intersections = options.intersections;
if (options.radius) {
finalOptions.radius = options.radius;
if (finalOptions.mode === 'CIRCLE') {
return this.circleHits(other, finalOptions);
else if (finalOptions.mode === 'CONVEX') {
return this.convexHits(other, finalOptions);
else {
return this.rectangleHits(other, finalOptions);
* Returns true if this clip collides with another clip.
* @param {Wick.Clip} other - The other clip to check collision with.
* @returns {boolean} True if this clip collides the other clip.
hitTest(other) {
// TODO: write intersects so we don't rely on paper Rectangle objects
return this.absoluteBounds.intersects(other.absoluteBounds);
* The bounding box of the clip.
* @type {object}
get bounds() {
// TODO: Refactor so that getting bounds does not rely on the view
return this.view.bounds;
get absoluteBounds() {
// TODO: Refactor so that getting bounds does not rely on the view
return this.view.absoluteBounds;
get points () {
// TODO: Refactor so that does not rely on the view
return this.view.points;
get radius () {
// Use length of half diagonal of bounding box
let b = this.absoluteBounds;
return Math.sqrt(b.width*b.width + b.height*b.height)/2/Math.sqrt(2);
// Alternative: use largest distance from center to a point on the object
let center = this.absoluteBounds.center;
let points = this.points;
let max_r = 0;
for (let p = 0; p < points.length; p++) {
let point = points[p];
let x = point[0] - center.x;
let y = point[1] - center.y;
max_r = Math.max(max_r, x*x + y*y);
return Math.sqrt(max_r);
// Gives clockwise in screen space, which is ccw in regular axes
get convexHull () {
let points = this.points;
// Infinity gets us the convex hull
let ch = hull(points, Infinity);
let removedDuplicates = [];
let epsilon = 0.01;
for (let i = 0; i < ch.length; i++) {
if (removedDuplicates.length > 0) {
if ((Math.abs(ch[i][0] - removedDuplicates[removedDuplicates.length - 1][0]) > epsilon ||
Math.abs(ch[i][1] - removedDuplicates[removedDuplicates.length - 1][1]) > epsilon) &&
(Math.abs(ch[i][0] - removedDuplicates[0][0]) > epsilon ||
Math.abs(ch[i][1] - removedDuplicates[0][1]) > epsilon)) {
else {
return removedDuplicates;
* The X position of the clip.
* @type {number}
get x() {
return this.transformation.x;
set x(x) {
this.transformation.x = x;
* The Y position of the clip.
* @type {number}
get y() {
return this.transformation.y;
set y(y) {
this.transformation.y = y;
* The X scale of the clip.
* @type {number}
get scaleX() {
return this.transformation.scaleX;
set scaleX(scaleX) {
if (scaleX === 0) scaleX = 0.001; // Protects against NaN issues
this.transformation.scaleX = scaleX;
* The Y scale of the clip.
* @type {number}
get scaleY() {
return this.transformation.scaleY;
set scaleY(scaleY) {
if (scaleY === 0) scaleY = 0.001; // Protects against NaN issues
this.transformation.scaleY = scaleY;
* The width of the clip.
* @type {number}
get width() {
return this.isRoot ? this.project.width : this.bounds.width * this.scaleX;
set width(width) {
this.scaleX = width / this.width * this.scaleX;
* The height of the clip.
* @type {number}
get height() {
return this.isRoot ? this.project.height : this.bounds.height * this.scaleY;
set height(height) {
this.scaleY = height / this.height * this.scaleY;
* The rotation of the clip.
* @type {number}
get rotation() {
return this.transformation.rotation;
set rotation(rotation) {
this.transformation.rotation = rotation;
* The opacity of the clip.
* @type {number}
get opacity() {
return this.transformation.opacity;
set opacity(opacity) {
opacity = Math.min(1, opacity);
opacity = Math.max(0, opacity);
this.transformation.opacity = opacity;
* Copy this clip, and add the copy to the same frame as the original clip.
* @returns {Wick.Clip} the result of the clone.
clone() {
var clone = this.copy();
clone.identifier = null;
clone._isClone = true;
clone._sourceClipUUID = this.uuid;
return clone;
* An array containing all objects that were created by calling clone() on this Clip.
* @type {Wick.Clip[]}
get clones() {
return this._clones;
* This is a stopgap to prevent users from using setText with a Clip.
setText () {
throw new Error('setText() can only be used with text objects.');
* The list of parents, grandparents, grand-grandparents...etc of the clip.
* @returns {Wick.Clip[]} Array of all parents
get lineage() {
if (this.isRoot) {
return [this];
} else {
return [this].concat(this.parentClip.lineage);
* Add a placeholder path to this clip to ensure the Clip is always selectable when rendered.
ensureActiveFrameIsContentful () {
// Ensure layer exists
var firstLayerExists = this.timeline.activeLayer;
if(!firstLayerExists) {
this.timeline.addLayer(new Wick.Layer());
// Ensure active frame exists
var playheadPosition = this.timeline.playheadPosition;
var activeFrameExists = this.timeline.getFramesAtPlayheadPosition(playheadPosition).length > 0;
if(!activeFrameExists) {
this.timeline.activeLayer.addFrame(new Wick.Frame({start:playheadPosition}));
// Clear placeholders
var frame = this.timeline.getFramesAtPlayheadPosition(playheadPosition)[0];
frame.paths.forEach(path => {
if(!path.isPlaceholder) return;
// Check if active frame is contentful
var firstFramesAreContentful = false;
this.timeline.getFramesAtPlayheadPosition(playheadPosition).forEach(frame => {
if(frame.contentful) {
firstFramesAreContentful = true;
// Ensure active frame is contentful
if(!firstFramesAreContentful) {
// Clear placeholders
var frame = this.timeline.getFramesAtPlayheadPosition(playheadPosition)[0];
frame.paths.forEach(path => {
// Generate crosshair
var size = Wick.View.Clip.PLACEHOLDER_SIZE;
var line1 = new paper.Path.Line({
from: [0,-size],
to: [0,size],
strokeColor: '#AAA',
frame.addPath(new Wick.Path({path: line1, isPlaceholder: true}));
var line2 = new paper.Path.Line({
from: [-size,0],
to: [size,0],
strokeColor: '#AAA',
frame.addPath(new Wick.Path({path: line2, isPlaceholder: true}));
_onInactive () {
_onActivated() {
if (this.animationType === 'playOnce') {
this.playedOnce = false;
this.timeline.playheadPosition = 1;
_onActive() {
if (this.animationType === 'loop') {
} else if (this.animationType === 'single') {
this.timeline.playheadPosition = this.singleFrameNumber;
} else if (this.animationType === 'playOnce') {
if (!this.playedOnce) {
if (this.timeline.playheadPosition === this.timeline.length) {
this.playedOnce = true;
} else {
if (this.isSynced) {
this.timeline.playheadPosition = this.syncFrame;
_onDeactivated() {
_tickChildren() {
var childError = null;
this.timeline.frames.forEach(frame => {
if (childError) return;
childError = frame.tick();
return childError;
_attachChildClipReferences() {
this.timeline.activeFrames.forEach(frame => {
frame.clips.forEach(clip => {
if (clip.identifier) {
this[clip.identifier] = clip;
// Dynamic text paths can be accessed by their identifiers.
frame.dynamicTextPaths.forEach(path => {
this[path.identifier] = path;