* Copyright 2020 WICKLETS LLC
* This file is part of Wick Engine.
* Wick Engine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Wick Engine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Wick Engine. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Represents a Wick Path.
Wick.Path = class extends Wick.Base {
* Create a Wick Path.
* @param {array} json - Path data exported from paper.js using exportJSON({asString:false}).
* @param {Paper.Path} path - A Paper.js Path object to use as this Path's svg data. Optional if json was not passed in.
constructor(args) {
if (!args) args = {};
this._fontStyle = 'normal';
this._fontWeight = 400;
this._isPlaceholder = args.isPlaceholder;
this._originalStyle = null;
if(args.path) {
this.json = args.path.exportJSON({asString:false});
} else if(args.json) {
this.json = args.json;
} else {
this.json = new paper.Path({ insert: false }).exportJSON({ asString: false });
this.needReimport = true;
* Create a path containing an image from an ImageAsset.
* @param {Wick.ImageAsset} asset - The asset from which the image src will be loaded from
* @param {Function} callback - A function that will be called when the image is done loading.
static createImagePath(asset, callback) {
var img = new Image();
img.src = asset.src;
img.onload = () => {
var raster = new paper.Raster(img);
var path = new Wick.Path({
json: Wick.View.Path.exportJSON(raster),
project: asset.project,
* Create a path (synchronously) containing an image from an ImageAsset.
* @param {Wick.ImageAsset} asset - The asset from which the image src will be loaded from
static createImagePathSync(asset) {
var raster = new paper.Raster(asset.src);
var path = new Wick.Path({
json: Wick.View.Path.exportJSON(raster),
project: asset.project,
return path;
get classname() {
return 'Path';
_serialize(args) {
var data = super._serialize(args);
data.json = this.json;
delete data.json[1].data;
// optimization: replace dataurls with asset uuids
if (data.json[0] === 'Raster' && data.json[1].source.startsWith('data:')) {
if (!this.project) {
console.warn('Could not replace raster image source with asset UUID, path does not belong to a project.');
} else {
this.project.getAssets('Image').forEach(imageAsset => {
if (imageAsset.src === data.json[1].source) {
data.json[1].source = 'asset:' + imageAsset.uuid;
data.fontStyle = this._fontStyle;
data.fontWeight = this._fontWeight;
data.isPlaceholder = this._isPlaceholder;
return data;
_deserialize(data) {
this.json = data.json;
this._fontStyle = data.fontStyle || 'normal';
this._fontWeight = data.fontWeight || 400;
this._isPlaceholder = data.isPlaceholder;
* Determines if this Path is visible in the project.
get onScreen() {
return this.parent.onScreen;
* The type of path that this path is. Can be 'path', 'text', or 'image'
* @returns {string}
get pathType() {
if (this.view.item instanceof paper.TextItem) {
return 'text';
} else if (this.view.item instanceof paper.Raster) {
return 'image';
} else {
return 'path';
* Path data exported from paper.js using exportJSON({asString:false}).
* @type {object}
get json() {
return this._json;
set json(json) {
this._json = json;
this.needReimport = true;
* The bounding box of the path.
* @type {object}
get bounds() {
var paperBounds = this.view.item.bounds;
return {
top: paperBounds.top,
bottom: paperBounds.bottom,
left: paperBounds.left,
right: paperBounds.right,
width: paperBounds.width,
height: paperBounds.height,
* The position of the path.
* @type {number}
get x() {
return this.view.item.position.x;
set x(x) {
this.view.item.position.x = x;
* The position of the path.
* @type {number}
get y() {
return this.view.item.position.y;
set y(y) {
this.view.item.position.y = y;
* The fill color of the path.
* @type {paper.Color}
get fillColor() {
return this.view.item.fillColor || new paper.Color();
set fillColor(fillColor) {
this.view.item.fillColor = fillColor;
* The stroke color of the path.
* @type {paper.Color}
get strokeColor() {
return this.view.item.strokeColor || new paper.Color();
set strokeColor(strokeColor) {
this.view.item.strokeColor = strokeColor;
* The stroke width of the path.
* @type {number}
get strokeWidth() {
return this.view.item.strokeWidth;
set strokeWidth(strokeWidth) {
this.view.item.strokeWidth = strokeWidth;
* The opacity of the path.
* @type {number}
get opacity() {
if (this.view.item.opacity === undefined || this.view.item.opacity === null) {
return 1.0;
return this.view.item.opacity;
set opacity(opacity) {
this.view.item.opacity = opacity;
* The font family of the path.
* @type {string}
get fontFamily() {
return this.view.item.fontFamily
set fontFamily(fontFamily) {
this.view.item.fontFamily = fontFamily;
this.fontWeight = 400;
this.fontStyle = 'normal';
* The font size of the path.
* @type {number}
get fontSize() {
return this.view.item.fontSize;
set fontSize(fontSize) {
this.view.item.fontSize = fontSize;
this.view.item.leading = fontSize * 1.2;
* The font weight of the path.
* @type {number}
get fontWeight() {
return this._fontWeight;
set fontWeight(fontWeight) {
if (typeof fontWeight === 'string') {
console.error('fontWeight must be a number.');
this._fontWeight = fontWeight
* The font style of the path ('italic' or 'oblique').
* @type {string}
get fontStyle() {
return this._fontStyle;
set fontStyle(fontStyle) {
this._fontStyle = fontStyle;
* The original style of the path (used to recover the path's style if it was changed by a custom onion skin style)
* @type {object}
get originalStyle () {
return this._originalStyle;
set originalStyle (originalStyle) {
this._originalStyle = originalStyle;
* The content of the text.
* @type {string}
get textContent() {
return this.view.item.content;
set textContent(textContent) {
this.view.item.content = textContent;
* Update the JSON of the path based on the path on the view.
updateJSON() {
this.json = this.view.exportJSON();
* API function to change the textContent of dynamic text paths.
setText(newTextContent) {
this.textContent = newTextContent;
* Check if this path is a dynamic text object.
* @type {boolean}
get isDynamicText() {
return this.pathType === 'text' &&
this.identifier !== null;
* The image asset that this path uses, if this path is a Raster path.
* @returns {Wick.Asset[]}
//should this also return the SVGAsset if the path is loaded from an SVGAsset
getLinkedAssets() {
var linkedAssets = [];
var data = this.serialize(); // just need the asset uuid...
if (data.json[0] === 'Raster') {
var uuid = data.json[1].source.split(':')[1];
return linkedAssets;
* Removes this path from its parent frame.
remove() {
* Creates a new path using boolean unite on multiple paths. The resulting path will use the fillColor, strokeWidth, and strokeColor of the first path in the array.
* @param {Wick.Path[]} paths - an array containing the paths to process.
* @returns {Wick.Path} The path resulting from the boolean unite.
static unite(paths) {
return Wick.Path.booleanOp(paths, 'unite');
* Creates a new path using boolean subtration on multiple paths. The resulting path will use the fillColor, strokeWidth, and strokeColor of the first path in the array.
* @param {Wick.Path[]} paths - an array containing the paths to process.
* @returns {Wick.Path} The path resulting from the boolean subtraction.
static subtract(paths) {
return Wick.Path.booleanOp(paths, 'subtract');
* Creates a new path using boolean intersection on multiple paths. The resulting path will use the fillColor, strokeWidth, and strokeColor of the first path in the array.
* @param {Wick.Path[]} paths - an array containing the paths to process.
* @returns {Wick.Path} The path resulting from the boolean intersection.
static intersect(paths) {
return Wick.Path.booleanOp(paths, 'intersect');
* Perform a paper.js boolean operation on a list of paths.
* @param {Wick.Path[]} paths - a list of paths to perform the boolean operation on.
* @param {string} booleanOpName - the name of the boolean operation to perform. Currently supports "unite", "subtract", and "intersect"
static booleanOp(paths, booleanOpName) {
if (!booleanOpName) {
console.error('Wick.Path.booleanOp: booleanOpName is required');
if (booleanOpName !== 'unite' && booleanOpName !== 'subtract' && booleanOpName !== 'intersect') {
console.error('Wick.Path.booleanOp: unsupported booleanOpName: ' + booleanOpName);
if (!paths || paths.length === 0) {
console.error('Wick.Path.booleanOp: a non-empty list of paths is required');
// Single path? Nothing to do.
if (paths.length === 1) {
return paths[0];
// Get paper.js path objects
paths = paths.map(path => {
return path.view.item;
var result = paths[0].clone({ insert: false });
paths.forEach(path => {
if (path === paths[0]) return;
result = result[booleanOpName](path);
var resultWickPath = new Wick.Path({
json: result.exportJSON({ asString: false }),
return resultWickPath;
* Converts a stroke into fill. Only works with paths that have a strokeWidth and strokeColor, and have no fillColor. Does nothing otherwise.
* @returns {Wick.Path} A flattened version of this path. Can be null if the path cannot be flattened.
flatten() {
if (this.fillColor || !this.strokeColor || !this.strokeWidth) {
return null;
if (!(this instanceof paper.Path)) {
return null;
var flatPath = new Wick.Path({
json: this.view.item.flatten().exportJSON({ asString: false }),
flatPath.fillColor = this.strokeColor;
return flatPath;
* Is this path used as a placeholder for preventing empty clips?
* @type {bool}
set isPlaceholder (isPlaceholder) {
this._isPlaceholder = isPlaceholder;
get isPlaceholder () {
return this._isPlaceholder;