* Copyright 2020 WICKLETS LLC
* This file is part of Wick Engine.
* Wick Engine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Wick Engine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Wick Engine. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Wick.SVGAsset = class extends Wick.FileAsset {
* Returns all valid MIME types for files which can be converted to SVGAssets.
* @return {string[]} Array of strings of MIME types in the form MediaType/Subtype.
static getValidMIMETypes() {
return ['image/svg+xml'];
* Returns all valid extensions types for files which can be attempted to be
* converted to SVGAssets.
* @return {string[]} Array of strings representing extensions.
static getValidExtensions() {
return ['.svg']
* Create a new SVGAsset.
* @param {object} args
constructor(args) {
_serialize(args) {
var data = super._serialize(args);
return data;
_deserialize(data) {
get classname() {
return 'SVGAsset';
* A list of Wick Paths, Clips and Layers that use this SVGAsset as their image source.
* I think this should return Assets not Paths
* @returns {Wick.Path[]}
getInstances() {
return []; // TODO
* Check if there are any objects in the project that use this asset.
* @returns {boolean}
hasInstances() {
return false;
* Removes all Items using this asset as their source from the project.
* @returns {boolean}
removeAllInstances() {
* Load data in the asset
load(callback) {
// We don't need to do anything here, the data for SVGAssets is just SVG
* Walks through the items tree creating the apprptiate wick object for each node*
* @param {paper.Item} item - called when the Path is done loading.
* @returns {Wick.Base}
static walkItems(item) {
// create paths for all the path items, this also needs to be done for the following item.className=:
// 'Group', 'Layer', 'Path', 'CompoundPath', 'Shape', 'Raster', 'SymbolItem', 'PointText'
// I think path automatically handles this, but maybe not layer or group
var wickItem = null; // Groups (clips) and layers do this differently so they must be handled separately
if (item instanceof paper.Layer || (item.name !== null && item.name.startsWith("layer") && item instanceof paper.Group)) {
wickItem = new Wick.Layer(); // If we've just added a layer set it to be the active layer
//TODO: Find out how multiple layers are handled
var frame = new Wick.Frame();
var groupChildren = Array.from(item.children); //prevent any side effects
groupChildren.forEach(childItem => {
var wickChildItem = Wick.SVGAsset.walkItems(childItem).copy();
if (wickChildItem instanceof Wick.Clip) {
} else if (wickChildItem instanceof Wick.Path) {
} else if (wickChildItem instanceof Wick.Layer) {
//console.error("SVG Import: Error importing, nested layers.ignoring."); // Insert text
} else {
console.error("SVG Import: Unknown item type.".concat(wickChildItem.classname)); // Insert text
} else if (item instanceof paper.Group) {
wickItem = new Wick.Clip();
var wickObjects = [];
var layers = [];
var groupChildren = Array.from(item.children); //prevent any side effects
groupChildren.forEach(childItem => {
var clipActiveLayer = wickItem.activeLayer;
///This should be clips and paths not layers
var walkItem = Wick.SVGAsset.walkItems(childItem).copy();
if (walkItem instanceof Wick.Layer) {
//console.error("SVG Import: Clip has a child that is a layer, this should never happen. ignoring."); // Insert text
} else {
wickItem.addObjects(wickObjects); //add the items to the project
// add layers after onjects so the objexts don't get bound to the new layer
var layersCopy = Array.from(layers); //prevent any side effects
layersCopy.forEach(layer => {
} else if (item instanceof paper.Shape) {
//console.error("SVG Import: Item is an instance of a shape. This should never happen as all shapes should be converted to paths when we call paperProject.importSVG(data, options.expandShapes = true);");
wickItem = new Wick.Path({ //json: item.clone().toPath().exportJSON()
} else {
//'Path', 'CompoundPath', 'Raster', 'SymbolItem', 'PointText' all handled by Path which takes the loaded paper object expressed as JSON to load
wickItem = new Wick.Path({
json: item.exportJSON()
return wickItem;
* Walks through the items tree creating the appropriate wick object for each node
* @param {Paper.Item} item - the item to turn into paths
* Walks through the items tree converting shapes into paths. This should be possible to do in the walkitems routine
* @param {Paper.Item} item - called when the Path is done loading.
static _breakAppartShapesRecursively(item) {
item.applyMatrix = true;
if (item instanceof paper.Group || item instanceof paper.Layer) {
var children = Array.from(item.children);
children.forEach(childItem => {
} else if (item instanceof paper.Shape) { //This should have been done automatically by the import options, spo shouldn't be needed
var path = item.toPath();
* Creates a new Wick SVG that uses this asset's data.
* @param {function} callback - called when the SVG is done loading.
createInstance(callback) {
// needs to take a base64 encoded string.
//we need a viewSVG and an SVG object that extends base by the looks of things.
var myPath = new paper.Path();
myPath.strokeColor = 'black';
myPath.add(new paper.Point(0, 0));
myPath.add(new paper.Point(100, 50));
var anItem = this.walkItems(myPath);
var myLayer = new paper.Layer();
var secondPath = new paper.Path.Circle(new paper.Point(150, 50), 35);
secondPath.fillColor = 'green';
var aLayer = this.walkItems(myLayer);
// Create two circle shaped paths:
var firstPath = new paper.Path.Circle(new paper.Point(80, 50), 35);
var secondPath = new paper.Path.Circle(new paper.Point(120, 50), 35);
var group = new paper.Group([firstPath, secondPath]);
// Change the fill color of the items contained within the group:
group.style = {
fillColor: 'red',
strokeColor: 'black'
var agroup = this.walkItems(group);
var importSVG = function(data) {
var item = paper.project.importSVG(data, {
expandShapes: true,
insert: false
var wickItem = Wick.SVGAsset.walkItems(item).copy();
Wick.SVGFile.fromSVGFile(this.src, importSVG);